Migrating from v1 to v2

Built-In Directives

bind changed

You can now use

<h1 dv-bind:title="content"></h1>

:html changed

You can now use

<h1 dv-html="content"></h1>

:text changed

You can now use

<h1 dv-text="content"></h1>

ref changed

You can now use

<h1 dv-ref="h1"></h1>

on:eventname changed

You can now use

<button dv-on:click="increase">Increase</button>

@eventname removed

if changed

You can now use

<h2 dv-if="condition">Hi</h2>

:show changed

You can now use

<h1 dv-show="show">Hello</h1>

Built-In Functions

Dative.warn() removed

Dative.emit() removed

Dative.debug() changed

You can now use

 // if you want to enable warning errors
Dative.config.slient = false;
 // Default is true
Dative.config.slient = true;


{{ "text" }} removed